Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Artist call out ABAD Australia

A Year and A Day to go!

An Open Call To Artists Worldwide To Contribute To A BOOK ABOUT DEATH AUSTRALIA


This project was conceived by Paris based artist Matthew Rose and first exhibited at the Emily Harvey Foundation gallery in New York City in 2009.
From the ABAD webpage  -
A BOOK ABOUT DEATH takes its inspiration from the late, underground American artist Ray Johnson (1927 - 1995). Ray Johnson’s unbound “book” of the same title was mailed to his New York Correspondence School “students” and included pages in his idiosyncratic style that were funny, sad and ironic “one-page essays” on death.”

This original exhibition captured the imagination of artists all over the world. There have now been ABAD exhibitions in cities throughout North and South America, Europe and the UK.

Now after four years, A Book About Death is finally coming to Australia. New South Wales based artists Heather Matthew (ABAD NY, Brazil & Seattle) and Julie Barratt (Objects of the Dead: The Hankie Project) will be curating the inaugural A Book About Death Australia at the Tweed River Art Gallery in Murwillumbah, northern NSW.

Exhibition dates:
October 18  - November 24, 2013
Opening: October 18  - 6pm

Artists may submit as many works as they like for this exhibition but for consistency a maximum of two per person will be uploaded onto the blog. However all hardcopies of artwork received will be exhibited at the gallery.

In the spirit of the original New York City exhibition, artists are asked to create a "page" for the unbound book about death. The art exhibited in Australia will be held as an archive to tour other Australian galleries at a later date.

In addition, artists may choose to send 50 copies of your postcard artwork to be available free to visitors to the gallery with any artist information including web/blogsite/contact. Where space permits, these will be on display for visitors to take.

How to submit:

1) Create your artwork around the theme of death. This can be in the broadest sense, it could be environmental death, death of a pet, memory about death, text about death. Death is a universal subject. It happens.

The only requirement is for all artwork to have the words "A Book About Death" in any language somewhere on the front. The artwork can be originally made from any medium, which can then be photographed or scanned as a digital image.

You can put any artist’s information including web addresses and contact details on the postcard. Other artists then have an opportunity to view your work. It’s a great way to become part of this international ABAD community which has forged links, created collaborations and supported artists since its inception in 2009.

2) Size matters – please create a standard postcard size image 10.16 cm x 15.24 cm (4"x6").

3) Create a digital image as a jpeg for uploading onto the blogsite - A Book About Death Australia.

4) Email your digital image  600X400 pixels (300 dpi) to Heather & Julie at
abadaustralia@gmail.com. Please include you country and URL/web contact details.

5) Send your postcard as is or in an envelope to:

A Book About Death Australia
PO Box 5149
Murwillumbah South
NSW 2484

Please ensure correct postage is paid as there will be no outstanding postage fees or customs tax paid.

6) Deadline for artwork to arrive at the PO BOX is Friday 27 September, 2013.

Heather Matthew and Julie Barratt will post artwork and artist information on the blog as soon as the jpegs are received. When hardcopy artwork is received in the mail, artists names will be posted on the sidebar of the blog. If you do not see your name and have posted your artwork in the mail, please contact us at abadaustralia@gmail.com . Please allow up to two weeks for your artwork to be received. Murwillumbah is not a major city, so often the mail takes several days to arrive even in Australia.

Spread the word – ABAD exhibitions rely on word of mouth and artist networks. Invite as many artists to participate, any age, no exclusions.